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kapal penyapu ranjau bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "kapal penyapu ranjau"
  • Two other Japanese minesweepers were also damaged by mines.
    Dua kapal penyapu ranjau Jepang lainnya juga rusak akibat ranjau laut.
  • Minesweepers generally detect then neutralize mines in advance of other naval operations.
    Kapal penyapu ranjau umumnya mendeteksi kemudian menetralisir ranjau sebelum kegiatan operasi laut lainnya.
  • The minesweeper differs from a minehunter; the minehunter actively detects and neutralises individual mines.
    Kapal penyapu ranjau berbeda dengan kapal pemburu ranjau; yang secara aktif mendeteksi ranjau dan menetralisirnya.
  • It included Minesweeper as a replacement for Reversi (though Reversi was still included in some copies).
    Itu termasuk kapal penyapu ranjau sebagai pengganti Reversi (meskipun Reversi masih termasuk dalam beberapa salinan).
  • This operation was completed by 1 May at a cost of two small minesweepers damaged.
    Operasi pembersihan ranjau diselesaikan pada tanggal 1 Mei yang akibatnya 2 kapal penyapu ranjau kecil rusak.
  • The three minesweepers had just got underway to support the Port Moresby invasion and were still near Tulagi.
    Tiga kapal penyapu ranjau telah diberangkatkan untuk mendukung invasi Port Moresby, dan masih berada dekat Tulagi.
  • Two corvettes and a group of minesweepers were also operated by the Belgians during the Battle of the Atlantic.
    Dua korvet dan kelompok kapal penyapu ranjau yang juga dioperasikan oleh Belgia selama Pertempuran Atlantik.
  • The Yarmouth coast was patrolled by the minesweeper HMS Halcyon and the old destroyers HMS Lively and Leopard.
    Pantai Yarmouth dijaga oleh kapal penyapu ranjau HMS Halcyon dan kapal perusak tua HMS Lively dan Leopard.
  • During his political career, he was nicknamed "The Plumber" and "The Minesweeper" for his ability to negotiate political deadlocks.
    Selama karier politiknya, ia dijuluki "Si Tukang Ledeng" atau "Si Kapal Penyapu Ranjau" karena kemampuannya untuk menegosiasikan kebuntuan politik.
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    Posted in VGO Perjudian Tagged blackjack, kasino, CoinFlip, kemalangan, CS, csgo, csgoatse, dadu, percuma, jackpot, kapal penyapu ranjau, roulette, CoinFlip russian, kulit, kemenangan
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